Born in West Horsley, England in 1911. Ogilvy was tossed out of Oxford for not studying. He became a chef at the Hotel Majestic in Paris. He sold Aga cooking stoves (“the most expensive and best cooking stove”) door to door in Scotland, and was very successful doing so.
The advertising campaign Ogilvy created for the agency's first American customer quickly became a classic. The client was Hathaway (pix), a manufacturer of rather common quality clothing. Ogilvy decided Hathaway clothing would be advertisied as sophisticated and aristocratic. He featured a sophisticated 50'sh male model with graying hair and an eye patch. The patch was for impact only. That image turned the brand into a fine, expensive and up market product! The first "Man In The Hathaway Shirt" ad appeared in The New Yorker on September 22, 1951. The ad ran for almost 25 years.
Being throw out of Oxfard , became cheaf of the Majestic Hotel in Paris , sold Age cooking stoves from house to house in Scotland.
David Ogilvy , started his advertising career in his 30's , and made his advertising campaign one of the best advertisment in centuries , The man in th Hathaway shirt. He took a simple picture , a man with an eye patch wearing a Hathaway shirt and add stories that are appeal to people and from there he increase the brand name and made it historical . He also use the same concept to make his another famous ad that is Schweppes . By using the same layout style and with the headline The Man from Schweppes.
David Ogilvy make a ad by using a person to represent the product or brand and ad stories about the brand . With the stories he manage to grab a lot of peoples attention , and making them want to know more about the brand , does the stories tell the truth and al so deliver the result they promise . One of the most creative way to sell a brand or product and David Ogilvy started it in a ot young age but did well and became a legend in the world of advertising.
David Ogilvy is the copywriter that I admired most from the six famouse copywriter currently (except Leo Burnett, because the lesson hasn't covered yet). I like David Ogilvy because his advertisement seems elegant and high class. All those headlines created by him are also very intersting and marvelous. And the headline that like most is the headline from the advertisement for Rolls-Royce I think Ogilvy's creativenese is really outstanding.
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David Ogilvy leave Oxford without graduating because his studies was really not convincing.He became an apprentice chef in the Majestic Hotel.He started selling Aga cooking stoves door-to-door after spending a year in Paris.After that,he begin his career as an advertising copywriter at age 38.He didn't give up until he finds his own dream.David Ogilvy became a notable advertising executive. He has been known as “The Father of Advertising.His concept is " if you're trying to persuade people to so something,or buy something,you should use the their language,the language they use everyday and the language in whick they think.This thanks to the job as door to door salesman where her understand the consumer closely.He alo wrote a book call ' Confession of An Advertising Man (1963).In the book,he wrote the pro and con about working in advertising world.David also believe in building an image/reputation/brand for a long time.His key concept is 'Power of the brand image'.Ogilvy know how to deal with emotions.He successful created ads that made consumer remember like "The Man Hathaway Shirt' that make his status top in the industry.He had turn a simply,boring ad into something interesting by just adding the eye patch.The eye patch give the man personality and there's a story appeal in it.He also said that every advertisement is a long term investment in the image of a brand.In Schweppers ad ( a tonic water),he use the technique which uses a person to represent the product or brand.He uses Edward Whitehead,a executive at Schwepper which soon become the product.Through the Hathaway and Schwepper ads,he is able to grab pople attention by use simple element and layout.He was known for a career of expanding the bounds of both creativity and morality.
--Car Car--
David had become a chef,door-to-door salesman and farmer after being tossed out of Oxford.From all these experience,he has learned how to persuade people do / buy something.The way he persuade people is by speaking their(consumer) language and think what they(consumer) think.He only became a copywriter at 38.He believes that every advertising is a long term investment in the image of a brand.His famous ad are Hathaway and Rolls Royce. For the Hathaway,he just hired a model with eyepatch for the ad.It was so simple but he made the shirt an image successfully.In the Hathaway ad contains story appeal,increasing interest and readership.For the Rolls Royce,he successfully created a memorable headline which is "At 60 miles an hour the loudest noise in this new Rolls-Royce comes from the electric clock".He also used Claude Hopkin's style in this ad which ends with an offer.The famous book that created by him is Ogilvy on Advertising.Overall,what i like about this copywriter is he can make a brand famous by just advertise it with a simple guy by using his creative thinking and the understanding between he and the consumer.
Of all ads,I think I would prefer David Olgivy's most.His way of building up an image for a brand is very powerful.I think brand image is very important in order to attract the consumer.When a brand is long been recognise,consumers tend to buy and use them as it gain the trust of consumers.I, myself would also buy and use a product by its brand.In his ad also,the way he build an image for a brand is very interesting as nobody would thought of, for example The Man In Hathaway Shirt.
David Ogilvy was born in West Horsley, England in 1911. He was tossed out of Oxford for not studying and after that he became a chef at the Hotel Majestic in Paris.
David was a genius guy. He started his advertising career in his 30's and made a campaign on of the best advertising in centuries. " The man in Hattaway shirt" was his first ad . He done the ad in a simple way where he took a simple picture of a man with an eye patch wearing a Hathaway shirt.
He uses the same concept for his another famous ad "Schweppes".Ogivy studies readership results and determine which is the best layout approaches.
Ogilvy created his own agency, and now it's one of the world's largest company.
I very like the words that David Ogilvy said ' every advertisement is a long-term investment in the image of a brand'.This words very suitable for his big idea which is the power of brand image. His advertisement can increase the image of the brand especially the Hathaway brand shirt, I respect his advertisement very much because a lot of people still can remember his advertisement now. He knew how to deal with emotions and he said ' not always rational but emotional'. The Headline of his advertisements are interesting, creative and outstanding. Last i like the words he had said most, 'I hate rules'.
shu wan
David Ogilvy is a respected copywriter, one of the major person who contributed "The Creative Revolution". I like his style and behavior on advertising. I like a phrase that he have mentioned but I couldn't find it in the notes given: "If you're trying to persuade people to do something, or buy something, you should use their language, the language they use every day, the language in which they think." It is exactly how and what that is effective to people. Advertiser is the one who should change according to the style of public but not the public. If the language which used is what they have already know, they will feel more friendly and willing to know more about it.
"Every advertisement is a long-term investment in the image of a brand." I'm totally agreed with this statement. People stay longer in front of television or next to the radio more than shopping in supermarket. If advertiser did not invest on advertisement and trying to save cost from it, it is a very wrong thinking. If we invest on it, we surely will get a feedback of money.
Ogilvy says he hate rules, it's exactly what I'm thinking. Although I hate rules too, but I can't deny we always need it. He did not believe in period because it will stop readers reading on. "Never run an advertisement you would not want your own family to see." We must do something we are proud of, do not do advertisement that humiliate something, something like religious, gender or race, and that’s what called a good ad.
David Ogilvy says ‘Every advertisement must contribute to the complex symbol which is the brand image’. A brand is the intangible sum of a product's attributes: its name, packaging and price, its history, reputation and the way it's advertised. He taught the concept of quality. He was success without come from any academic training. I was very appreciating him. He did advertising that made people like and respect the advertiser. He believed that ‘Every advertisement is a long – term investment in the image of a brand’. He owns his own agency. His thought is unique. ‘The consumer is not moron. She is your wife.’ ‘I hate rules.’ He is quite a thoughtful copywriter.
~*+ sU! +*~
From what I’ve been told, David Ogilvy was a man who had class, creates ads that made people remembered and like them at the same time, and was always about building image. To him, the most important thing is the image itself. He doesn’t believe in period (.) and hates rules. The entire principle of Ogilvy’s style on advertising boils down to one simple statement. And that will be “advertising is salesmanship.” Ogilvy's writing is fascinating. His work is a legendary. His ideas are everlasting. Starting with no clients in 1948, Ogilvy has since grown into a worldwide enterprise. From the very beginning, David Ogilvy intended to have a different kind of company. He belief that "Every advertisement is part of the long-term investment” He also managed to publish his first book which was “Confession of an Advertising Man” in 1963 and “Ogilvy on Advertising”. One of his most successful ads will be “The man In the Hathaway Shirt” which ran for almost 25 years. This is indeed a great success.
-xiao mei-
David Ogilvy was a advertising executive. He has often been called The Father of Advertising. He was known for a career of expanding the bounds of creativity. His best-selling book Confessions of an Advertising Man.it is one of the most popular and famous books on advertising. He used the concept of brand image for his advertisements. he had class image for his ad and know how to deal with emotion. He was successful to made many ad with headlines that everyone could remember easily which is The Man in Hathaway shirt, Hathaway brand is actually a very common brand. he made the shirt’s image increased by using personification.he add in an eye patch for the human and input story for it. besides that, there’re few succeed ad which we’ll never forget, for example rolls-Royce, Schweppes and so on. Ogilvy do study the readers well and he actually sets a principles for advertising. David created an agency-O&M and it abounds with rules and guidelines. Ogilvy didn’t following the rules of ad and he created his own new style of ad.
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David Ogilvy believe that every ad is a long term investment in the image of a brand which is very true to me. If a brand that does not have a very good image, people will forget about the brand and won't want to get to know about the it. Once people knows the idea and the image of the brand, slowly in time, people will recognize the products of its brands and eventually starts to purchased their products more often.
David Ogilvy manage to capture what most normal consumer will do because most people will only purchase any products once they get to know the brand after a long time and thus investing in the image of a brand is long but worth it because eventually people will know it and won't forget it just like rolls royce, a brand that many people know until today.
Besides this, his other phrase was, "If you're trying to persuade people to do something, or buy something, you should use their language, the language they use every day, the language in which they think," which is another true statement. People tends to get closer when we speak in the same language and also the same thoughts! Thus it is applied in his ads where he wants his consumers to get closer with the product and let the consumers knows the product even more.
Last but not least, Ogilvy hates rules which most of us normal beings feels the same too. (extra : thats why we always go againts the rules XP) which is why he break the rules in ads and create a whole new style of advertising.
David Ogilvy was thrown out of Oxford before. Had become a chef in Majestic hotel in paris and a salesman, he was a successful man that starts his career from the bottom. He started working in the advertising industry in his 30's, and become the world most famous advertising man. He did not believe that advertising should be totally guesswork. One of his famous achieve, The Hathaway Shirt is the best ad ever in those time. He able to change the total image of a normal and plain to such an outstanding brand. Being such a successful copywriter, he changes the advertising industry and out life as well.
A chef that whose study in Oxford before but without graduating. David Ogilvy, his concept for advertisement “Power of the brand image”. He use his out standing way to build up an image for a brand, to made consumer remember the ad. Like “The Man Hathaway Shirt”, he just uses an eye patch and adding into his ad to turn the ad become a very attractive ad from a simple and boring ad. A brand image is very important is because it will effect the attraction of the audience, and it will also bring out the desire of audience to buy that product.
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Chang Sook Han
COMMUNICATION SKILL (Copywriting): David Ogilvy
David Ogilvy is “The Father Of Advertising”. He always try to know what his customers think, he got a research about it and use the same language that they use in his adv. People tend to get closer the product when it has the same thought with them.
His concept, “The Power Of The Brand Image”. He knows how to deal with emotions, created advertisements that made people remember and liked it. The advertising that he made always attracted bright people.
He advertised Hathaway cloth in a new way. By adding the eye patch, the simple and boring picture turn into something interesting. Nobody think this before, he created a personality for the brands. This advertising has become one of the best advertisement in centuries. He always took simple pictures; add something interesting and stories that will appeal to people in his adv. It can grab attention and people will know more about the product. The headline is creative and outstanding. It is memorable and powerful, like Rolls- Royce headline.
I think David Ogilvy has made a big change in advertising style. Before him, everyone create the advertising to tell the consumer how their product helps and what the benefit is if you use their product. David Ogilvy not sell the product but he sell the brand. He believes that advertise a product will only keep the market for the short term. However, we will keep the market for the long term if we advertise our brand. So his advertising is in brand building.
He combines the image of human with the product. His advertising of Schweppes Tonic is one of the advertising I like. He creates the image of the product that it is the wine of a hero. He want to create an characteristic of the product. He can analyse the consumer need then create an advertisement that can catch consumer attention because of it’s characteristic.
Wai Kam Fatt
I believe David Ogilvy, "the father of advertising" gave lots of inspiration to the society which is unexpected including me. Most of his advertisement is tremendous.
For example, “The man in the Hathaway shirt", was a kick in the market during those days. Nobody thought of that idea but he was the 1st. Many business man, age around 50-60++, was attracted to it because of the patch. The patch gave lots of meaning in it until the brand got famous out of no where.
That’s 1 inspiration I got from him. He made me realize, that advertising has no rules. You're free to think out of the box which is unexpected. He grabs most the audience’s attention through the advertisement headlines. So basically we need to have interesting headlines to the key of advertising.
He created a few books but the famous book I believe would be “Confessions of an Advertising Man". He shares his ideas and the principles.
Lastly, because of him, I believe advertising with great principles and unexpected could change the trend today.
Tan Han Wee (Henry)
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