His Ads
Reeves hated creative advertising. His ads typically featured simple repetition of a single theme like Anacin “Fast! Fast! Fast Relief!” (1952) hard sell approach. The premise was simple. Repeat a single theme again & again. Hammer it home, repeatedly! That was Anacin. The campaign was considered Reeves' most successful campaign.
The USP for M & M's tagline still echos in people's minds today; "M&M candies melts in your mouth and not in your hand". The other brands which employ the USP approach are Wonder Bread, Colgate, Viceroy.
'You must make the product interesting, not just make the ad different. And that's what too many of the copywriters in the U.S. today don't yet understand' Rosser Reeves
1 comment:
Find a unique selling point (USP) and keep on repeat it. That’s how Rosser Reeves does it.
Advertisements such as M&M’s “melt in your mouth, not in your hand” will always make people remember and remember always.
Rosser Reeves start writing poetry & fiction when he’s 10 and had his first job as a newspaper reporter when he’s 19 years old, after that he works in Ted Bates & Co. as a copywriter and he create advertisement that were simple and straight to the point but often annoyed others.
His style of advertisement was focus on the USP of the product and as he says it, hammers it home. This type of technique are often use in nowadays advertisement such as fast food delivery advertisement (Pizza Hut & McDonald), they often repeat their delivery number and it makes people remember it and when they wanted to make the order, the number will “jump out from your mind”.
But some advertisement keeps on repeating making it very annoying. Advertisement such as the Guspry hair coloring kit advertisement. They keep on repeating the advertisement making the people remember but at the same time annoying people.
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