Attention: Visual of an orange being squeezed for its juice in a lovely limited edition juice extractor. The headline introduces a completely new idea of "drink an orange". It was new because at that time, people ate oranges. They didn't drink the juice.
Awareness: We can drink an orange, not only eat it! Sunkist oranges are seedless, healthy, helps in digestion. Even physicians encourage drinking the all-natural liquid. Should be served at every meal because of its natural flavour and food value.
Attitude (Convince): Simple premise, anyone can drink an orange for health. It’s less messy than eating it! So why not drink it from Sunkist’s germ-proof package? Add orange juice to your diet!
Action: Buy it now and get a specially designed juice extractor for only 10 cents.
Remember the famous headline in 61-2? lol, " Apples are like strawberries, only bigger and harder "
Chang Sook Han
Claude Hopkins is a man that smart to apply sales principles in advertising. He study customer’s behavior and know what they want. He notices that advertising not just good and need to sell. Different with advertiser today, most of them do for competition.
Headlines are important because customers pick out what they want by headlines. Claude Hopkins writes headlines in unique way. “Drink an Orange”, it introduces a new idea in a direct way. We can find seven benefits of product from the advertising, he selling the product and it benefits. He never compared products with a mentioned price. He successfully applies 4A, and he change American habit eating orange to drinking it.
His idea is simple but easy to understand; His advertisements tell something common but nobody realize. A lot of advertiser follow his way to promote.
I think Claude Hopkins have his point there to sell this product(Drink An Orange). For me as a Viewer for this Ad, comment sense for people eat an orange and blend an orange it still messy becouse u still have to cut the orange before u can blend it and the fiber of the orange will be less if u blend the orange. One more thing is, yes it will be cheap 10 cents just for the juice extractor but what about the orange? How many orange u need to blend to become an orange juice? Hrm... I don think 1 orange can create a cup of juice right? So i rather eat an orange better then drink. It save money and time still.
George Chan
Drink an Orange . The very first impression when people see this is like a health article rather than an ad. As a matter a fact, it also create awarness as we know orange is good for health. Claude himself made a revolution to the advertising industry by saying drinking an orange. Who would have thought about it during that time? He revolutionize the way people consume orange. At the same time is convicing since it less messy than eating it. But there is a bit irony when it comes to the offer which is to add another 10 cent just to get an juice extractor. Why should I put myself in to trouble making one rather than buying one bottle orange juice. Save time, money and more convient.
Claude Hopkins uses the AIDA, or the AIDCA factor into the ad to attract people to buy this product.
Firstly, he uses the title "Drink an Orange" to attract people to take a look at this ad. This is a very effective way to drag a person's attention at that time as people at the time eats oranges only instead of drinking it. This fresh idea really can attract anyone to take a few more glance at this ad.
Then, Claude Hopkins hold them by interest them that even physicians encourages to drink this healthy, digest-helping and all-natural liquid.
After that, he even stated that this product uses germ-proof package. This point can convince the costumers that this product is well-produced and securely healthy, and buy this product rather then others.
Lastly, he also said that a juice extractor can be able to obtain with the purchase of this product with an extra payment at only 10 cents. With this action, more people will buy this product because they can get another item with the purchase of this product with small amount of money.
Claude Hopkins convince people to buy a product by fufilling a costumer's need and desire, and he done a really great job.
From what Adam said, yes, I agreed that an orange can't possibly produce a whole cup of orange, but the quality, however, is more better then just plainly eat an orange, because drink orange juice can be more digestive then eat them.
And as what George had stated, he rather buy a bottle of finished product then trouble himself for making one himself, and refuse to buy the juice extractor. Of course, I'm not 100% disagree about it, but extracting the juice by yourself can be more healthier in someways. For example, maybe the producer uses unfresh oranges instead of what stated in the ad. If you make it yourself, you can chose the fresh oranges to make it. Although it's a bit troublesome, but sometimes you need to sacrifice something to get what you wish for.
Sky Tan
“Healthy”, the word healthy is the most important for those people that time. “Drink an Orange”, it introduces a new way to keep your healthy. Because orange have a lot vitamin C and mineral, at the same time is convincing since it less messy than eating it. And that only just want to pay only 10 cents to get the specially designed juice extractor. That can change the new way to have the orange, so anyone can drink an orange for health. And don need to eat it, and so why no go to buy Sunkist and squeeze it your self. Save time money and more convents.
Caude hopkins is a very hard worker,he is a very great copy writer and ad agent.he is a copy writer that always have a new idea,fresh concept that can be easly accepted by the consumer.Claude Hopkins is a very good copywriter because just only using a words to discribe a product he can make that product become a very special product taht can attract all people to buy or try the product that he sold.
The most famous ad that he made is for SUNKIST product ad.usually Claude Hopkins ad always use the words that can make people to give a try to the product and buy the product that he sell.he make the ordinary sunkidt become a very special sunkist because of his words.
Claude Hopkins was greatest copywriter. He has much point to sell the product, his famous advertisement drink an orange. He success attract people to buy the product, because at that time people didn’t drink juice but they ate oranges, beside that he expressed the product benefit, a good taste and a good health.
In the beginning people will buy the product after they know the name, but he makes a different, he creates and sells what was inside the advertising and attract people with headlines.
And nowadays there are a lot of advertising industry makes big headlines to attract people.
This guy Claude Hopkin is quite smart, because of his smart idea than he became the greatest salesman in the 'hard sell' of advertising at that time, the target oudience that he wanted to sell was between 16~25 years old that most of the customers were housewives. Last time they didn't drink orange juice, they just ate it. So that this things would became a new product to make those customer to buy it. Secountly, this orange juice is seedless, healthy, helps in digestion and all of the age can drink it. But in my opinion, I think yhat drinking oranges juice are good, but eating the orange fiber with juice is better.
Ng Ching Yee
Name: Christopher Cheah Wen Feng
Class: CD071-3
Index Number: 0701002
Claude Hopkins
I learnt some of the copywriters today during my English Communication Skill’s class. One of them is Claude Hopkins, who considered as one of the greatest copywriter in the world.
As one of the great advertising pioneer, Claude Hopkins believed advertising existed only to sell something and should be measurable and justifies the results that it produced.
In year 1907, Claude Hopkins hired by Albert Lasker owner of Lord & Thomas advertising at a salary of $185,000 a year. He began insisted copywriters researched their client products and produce reason-why copy. He believed that a good product was often its own best salesperson and as such he was a great believer in sampling
Besides that, he used key coded coupons to track the results of his advertising and then tested headlines, offers and propositions against one another. The analysis of these measurements that he used to continually improve his ad results, driving responses and the cost effectiveness of his clients advertising spend.
Claude Hopkins then written a book titled "Scientific Advertising," his classic book was published in 1923, following his retirement from Lord & Thomas, where he finished his career as president and chairman. In year 1932, Hopkins rest in peace forever and left lots of memories and useful information to the world.
I make my research on him and above are the summary that I can make on him.
⊙Information taken from Wikipedia Encyclopedia.
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